Many Agents Are Wasting "Thousands" For Poor Quality Leads You Don't Have To Be A Victim, Be Successful!

Have You Ever Spoken With An UBI Agent Writing 40k A Month Using Our Leads?

We would like for you to contact us directly about our lead program. Please, openly honestly transparently compare our lead program/production to any other insurance operation in the nation. I've worked with several final expense carriers in the past. An agent does not have to be licensed with 20-40 carriers to make a great living. Our company has daily, weekly, monthly and yearly proof.

The Truth About Leads

LEADS…………..New FCC Rules & Guidelines

Work with us you have a real opportunity to become a 10k to 40k month producer because of our training and lead program.

Exclusive Fresh Leads………Daily  & Weekly

No Bait & Switch Leads

Our leads are federal & compliant in each state

Retain a greater persistency on your business

Direct Mail, Web, TV, Live Transfer & other sources to produce high quality leads

Over 40 years of experience

*The top agents in 6 states use our lead system

June 2024 New FCC Guidelines Pertaining To Life Insurance Leads

Not following the new guidelines could result in


-Civil Court Appearances
-Potential Loss Of Insurance License


Frequently Asked Questions from Agents

How Much Are Your Leads, What Is The Cost?
No Cost Out Of Your Pocket, No Lead Start Up Cost!

Do You Provide Lead Training?
Yes, you will attend University Style Lead training seminars along with field training from a Top Producer

What Type Of Leads Do You Generate?
We provide fresh exclusive leads in various formats for our agents to work. We lead the industry with cutting edge branded technology and lead support, our sales numbers prove it

Are Your Leads Any Good?
Production is what counts. We ask you to look at our sales numbers nationally? Our sales number are at an all time high, through and after Covid 19. Anyone else tell you otherwise we will be obliged to provide you with sales proof regionally or nationally.

How Old Are Your Leads?
We provide fresh quality exclusive leads in several formats for our agents. Month after month, day after day, year after year.

Do You Have True Final Expense Leads?
Yes, our leads are tailor made to reach the final expense consumer. We DO NOT use bait and switch leads. We do not use leads baited for other products and services just to sell anything in a client's home.  Many insurance brokers do this. Our vastly knowledge and understanding of the FE business, we know this creates an enormous amount of charge backs.

What Is The Persistency On Your Leads Sold?
That is a fantastic question. Our agency overall across the board is 86% year around. Many agent's are keeping over 90% of their business.

You To Can Become A 25k-40k Producer With Our Lead System